About JavaScript memory leaks. Again.

Worth to read, at least, if you are not JS dev

Anton Gorbikov's Blog

Web applications are getting more and more complex from year to year. Couple of years ago nobody cared about the memory leaks on the web pages (yeah, they were really a set of web pages, but not web applications). Even if you forget to clean up some memory – it’s not expected, that user will spend a lot of time on the same page. There were a lot of navigation links, which removed information about the entire page from memory and loaded new page.

But now you cannot relate on this behavior, because now web sites turned into web applications. User loads one small HTML file, one script file and some other stuff (like CSS and images) and that’s it. Making requests from browser to servers user can stay on on the “page” for ages. In the worst scenario you will receive a report from production user: “Oh, your application…

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How to determine browser type in JavaScript (for SharePoint 2010 sites)

According to the sad situation in nowadays front-end development, we have to check current browser type and version in JavaScript code and behave differently depend on that. There are many options to do so like this or this. But working in SharePoint 2010 environment you have one more, init.js defines browseris object (see on the picture below) which contains most of required data. Be free to rely on SharePoint in this case.