Articles about using F# to implement Lisp

Jorge Tavares Notes

I was looking for examples of Lisp implementations using F# and found these 3 interesting series of blog posts. You can find other posts about implementing Lisp or Scheme using F# but these were the ones I found more comprehensive and different enough to compare different implementations. Although these Lisp implementations are learning experiments and not for production use, it’s fun to see how they are implemented. The series are the following ones:

Tim Robinson’sLisp Compiler in F#:

  1. Introduction
  2. Parsing with fslex and fsyacc
  3. Expression trees and .NET methods
  5. What’s next?

Ashley Nathan Feniello’sFScheme series:

  1. Scheme in F#
  2. Just ‘let’ Me Be Already!
  3. Lambda the Ultimate!
  4. Rinse and Recurse
  5. What ‘letrec’ Can’t Do
  6. What’s Lisp Without Lists?!
  7. No Wait, Macro the Ultimate!
  8. Oh, The Humanity!
  9. Language vs. Library
  10. Turning Your Brain Inside Out with Continuations
  11. Playing Dice with the Universe
  12. Functional I/O (or at least…

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Lexing and Parsing with F# – Part I

LogicBoost blog

September 10th 2010 | David Cooksey

Lexing and Parsing with F# – Part 1

FsLex and FsYacc are F# implementations of Ocaml’s Lex and Yacc. They are part of the F# Powerpack released for Visual Studio 2010. Used together, they take an input string and create a parse tree of typed objects. Once you have the parse tree, you can do anything with it—generate code for another language, interpret it directly, etc. If you’d like to jump right into the code, scroll to the bottom of the post. Note that the code includes a small test project using FsUnit.

FsLex is the lexer part of the lexer-parser pair
. It converts an input string or stream into a series of tokens. A token is simply a string labeled so that the parser knows how to handle it. For example, ‘92’ might be within a token labeled DIGIT. Simply put, the…

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