Building Azure Service Fabric Actors with F# – Part 1

The Cockney Coder

This post is the first part of a brief overview of Service Fabric and how we can model Service Fabric Actors in F#. Part 1 will cover the details of how to get up and running in SF, whilst Part 2 will look at the challenges and solutions to modelling stateful actors in a OO-based framework within F#.

What is Service Fabric?

Service Fabric is a new service on Azure (currently in preview at the time of writing) which is designed to support reliable, scalable (at “hyper scale”) and maintainable distributed applications and services – with automatic support for things like replication of state across nodes, automatic failover & recovery and multi tenanting services on the same instances. It supports (currently) both stateful and stateless micro-services and actor model architectures (more on this shortly). The good thing about Service Fabric (SF) from a risk/reward point of view is that it’s…

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Deploying .NET code instantly using Vagrant

The absolutely awesome post !!!

Eirik Tsarpalis' blog

This is post #30 of the English 2014 F# advent calendar. Thanks to Sergey Tihon for inviting me and suggesting the topic. Be sure to check out all the other awesome posts!

In this post I will be describing Vagrant, a dependency management library of mine. I will try to walk through some of the subtleties in the .NET framework that drove the library implementation, in an attempt to make it more accessible. All code and examples presented can be found in this repository.


It is often claimed in functional programming that functions are treated as values. This is a valid assumption in simple applications, permitting powerful patterns when writing code. But is this a general truth, or simply a linguistic abstraction? If functions really are values, one would expect that they exhibit all properties normally expected of values. For instance, it should be possible to serialise functions…

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Distributing the F# Mailbox Processor

Everyone should read it

The Cockney Coder

Note: This blog post is part of the 2014 F# Advent Calendar. Be sure to check out yesterday’s Intro to Data Science post by Jon Wood!

Mailbox Processors 101

If you’ve been using F# for any reasonable length of time, you’ll have come across the MailboxProcessor, AKA the F# Agent (or Actor). Mailbox Processors are cool. They give us the ability to offload load to background processors without worrying about managing the thread that they live on (as agents silently “go to sleep” when they aren’t processing anything), and they take away the pain of locking as they ensure that only one message will be processed at a time whilst automatically queuing up backed up messages. They also allow us to visualise problems differently to how we might do so when just using a raw Task, in terms of message passing. We can partition data based by pushing them…

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Building an “actor” in F# with higher throughput than Akka and Erlang actors

Amazing post!!!

Zach Bray's blog

Building an “actor” in F# with higher throughput than Akka and Erlang actors

The “Big Data” problem

Our free lunch is over!

The number of transistors in our CPUs is still increasing like Moore’s law predicted. However, the frequency of our chips is flat-lining. We can no longer expect to see a 2x or even 1.5x performance improvement every 18 months from code that doesn’t exploit parallelism.

“Big Data” has arrived

According to Cisco we are now in The Zetabyte Era.

Global IP traffic has increased eightfold over the past 5 years.

Globally, mobile data traffic will increase 18-fold between 2011 and 2016.

The Economist ran an article in 2010 on what some are calling “the industrial revolution of data”.

Oracle, IBM, Microsoft and SAP between them have spent more than $15 billion on buying software firms specialising in data management and analytics.

This industry is estimated to…

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